Shua Goodwin

Photo of Joshua Goodwin

Shua Goodwin is a political strategist. With a decade of experience, he has run over 18 political campaigns on the local, state and federal levels, structured business development and crisis management plans for multi-billion corporations, advocated nationally for affordable housing and historic tax credits, and is a former Senior Advisor and a Director of Communications for a member of Congress. By executing market research analytics, designing multiple political and electoral campaigns, and creating multiple business and marketing plans, Goodwin brings business and political acumen on a national scale.

He is a recipient of the 2020 National Association of Asian Pacifics in Politics and Public Affairs’ 40 Under 40 List, the 2018 Ambassador Award for Sleep Tight Kids, and the 2017 Ambassador Award for Set Free Alliance. Additionally, he is a current advisory board member for Stadia Maps and Time for Democracy.