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Digital Marketing Strategy & Web Development

Your digital media strategy (DMS) and website are the channels of online communication between you and your audience. With countless sources of information, Goodwin Agency walks you through a process and plan to reach and grow your constituent base with a strict timeline attached to your objectives to reach each of them. We will assist you with choosing the correct platforms to reach voters and also manage those platforms so you do not miss real time topics and opportunities to establish a stronger relationship with them. 

Here is one of our approaches to developing a Social Media Strategy which is done in six steps:

Social Media Goals

Social media is only a tool that allows you to potentially reach your audience, but you need to establish what goals and purpose social media will have for your company. Is it for brand awareness? Increasing your visibility against your competitors? Generating traffic to your website to enhance SEO and online algorithms? Or simply converting those clicks into growth sales? These are all different but similar purposes.

Target Audience

To know which social platform to use, you must first know who your target audience is. What age bracket? Where are they located? What is their education level? What is their disposable income and how much are they willing to spend on your product/services? We will walk through this R&D process to answer these questions through surveys and trusted sources for research.

Reaching Your Audience

Once we know the demographics and behavior of your audience, we know where they shop, what other companies/organizations do they associate with, and how they consume their information which allows us to build a strong blueprint of how to reach your audience.

Style of Communicating

Knowing your voice with all of the noise of social media can be difficult. But we create a sound strategy to know which social networks you should be on, how often you post, what type of content should be placed there, and the type of graphics you should use to develop your campaign’s best practices for communicating.

Differentiating from Competitors

You want to have a unique way to set yourself apart from your opposition. By developing a killer elevator pitch with intentional meaning that resonates with your base, gathering testimonials from current supporters, defining what makes your policies unique that will help them, and crafting a compelling story of why you advocate for certain policies.


In the execution process, we establish the learning curve for your organization to properly execute the strategy, which tools are necessary to make the strategy successful, who is responsible for the various tasks, what is the timeline for the objectives, and how we capture information and organize it for continuous improvement.